

Dragonland Music Festival 2017

Dragonland Music Festival (Dragonland) will be the first outdoor concert in Hong Kong to combine both music genres – EDM and Pop – plus a full concert by Leon Lai, a Hong Kong favourite.

Dragonland is bringing the Electronic Dance and Pop Music culture to Hong Kong in a unique, 3-day festival, and in the process, creating a unique image for Hong Kong to differentiate itself from other music festivals across the world.

Dragonland begins with a story based on the 4 Essential Elements – Fire, Water, Air and Earth – which represent 4 Tribes. The concept of tribes symbolizes people from different countries and cultural backgrounds, and these 4 tribes unite everyone at the festival. That’s the ultimate aim of Dragonland: to unite people through music surrounded by the beauty of Victoria and the skyscrapers of Hong Kong.

The festival will feature performances by well-known international DJs and pop artists over three groundbreaking days. The Hong Kong Tourism Board is the supporting organisation for the festival.


Dragonland Music Festival 2017

Dragonland Music Festival (Dragonland) 將會是首個在香港的戶外演出場地把歐美流行音樂及EDM結合在一起的音樂盛事,而為這個為期三日的音樂節打響 頭炮的將會是黎明的個人演唱會。


Dragonland 的背後理念源於四個基本元素 - Fire, Water, Air, and Earth,它們各自代表了四個部族。這四個部族代表了來自不同國家、擁有不同背景的人。Dragonland 希望在維多利亞港和摩天大樓之間, 團結所有出席音樂節的人。
